Sep 25
Submitted by Mike on 09/25/2022 09:08 AM as 2022

Today let’s look at this passage. Genesis 1:26-28

(26) And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. (27) So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. (28) And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.


Just in these few verses there are a lot of things and ideas going on. When you sit back and ponder what has happened, really deep thoughts and questions come out. When we look at ourselves, would we say we would represent the image of God? Of course, we do not look like God in the physical sense, but would we have the traits of God. God is Love, Kind, forgiveness, etc. Would we be a good reference to God’s image.



God said let us make man in our own image, after our own likeness. Who is us? Who is our?

One would image that I this reference the Bible is talking about the God head/trinity,  Father, Son, Holy Spirit. In the first few verses of Genesis, it talks about God and the Spirit, but not about Jesus.

Man would have dominion over all the creatures of the earth. What does that mean?

God created them male and female in the image of God, blessed them, and said "be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.          Replenish the earth?


Go ahead and read these verses.

Genesis 2:7

Genesis 2 18-25


There is so much more I want to add with my notes. I want to see some of your comments, and I will also add more content in the comments.

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[ posted by Cindy, 09/27/2022 10:06 AM ]

I think when God said "in our image" and "our likeness" He of course is referring to Himself and his heavenly host of angels (they are of spirit not flesh and bone).   And I think it means that at the time He created us and breathed life into us we were...perfect, sinless,...a mirror of what God intended us to be...full of love, compassion, etc.  Sin (Eve being tempted in the garden by the serpent) is what separated us from that.  They had everything they would ever need.  Why? Why would she be tempted?  The ole devil himself makes it about us,  "surely you wont die"...but yet we do, we die mentally and emotionally thru our sins. We justify our sins for whatever reason and that pulls us further away from the relationship with God we were created to have.  Adam and Eve failed to live and do the life God had given and intended them to live.  Adam was created to be perfect healthy, sinless, and not subject to sickness or death.  That is where our likeness to God ended.  But we are the only creatures on earth to have a soul and spirit and able to communicate with God, to know Him and love Him.  Love, light, holiness and righteousness is Gods image.
After creating the world and animals and creating man,  God said " it was very good" (Gen 1:31)  That is prob the only time we would ever have been considered 'good'.
In Luke 18 Jesus tells us "no one is good, but One, that is God." 
Being given dominion over the earth refers to ruling or power over something. We were to take control of the earth and care for it to replenish it, or fill it full of life.  Be stewards of earth and His creations.
Where there any other things before us that were completely destroyed?  Were we another round of creation? We will never know.  Just like after the flood Noah and his family were to start over again on earth and "be fruitful and multiply". 


[ posted by Mike, 09/28/2022 01:33 PM ]

 Great way to look at them verses. I agree 100 percent. God had a desire to fellowship with us and establish a close relationship. Our own actions caused "US" to deny or accept we were made for God, by God, and for his pleasure. All the more reason he would make us into a likeness he is familiar with. Just as a child when they play make-believe. they will always have a character they made that would best represent themselves. God's plan for us was so perfect. It still is to this day, only when we allow the distraction (enemy/serpant) to creep in, we start to lose the image of God that He had instilled in us. 

  • Psalm 23:3 He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.


[ posted by wendi, 10/07/2022 01:34 PM ]

I always wanted to know what it meant by "replenish".  It just makes you wonder.  They said that the "cosmos" have been around for billions of years from the "big bang".  Was Earth the only place he created men?  Why only this planet out of all of the billions of galaxies?  Can you believe in the Science AND God or does it have to be one or the other?  I know that is another subject on its own but it just makes you wonder.  Was Earth the only place?


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