Monthly Archives: MAY 2024

May 5
Submitted by Mike on 05/05/2024 11:26 AM as 2024

ECCLESIASTES 3:3 "…A time to build up.”


  Before I started working on my notes, I thought about this one for a few days. After reading some verses, I wasn’t sure how to tackle this one. My initial train of thought is still good. Following a time to break down, the first thing that came to mind was, many times, the old needs to be broken down and the new built on top of it. There are many instances in the Bible that would pertain to this.


Today I am going to go a look at this at a more personal level. I want to look at this from a faith, spiritual perspective.


 Often time in the Bible, when we use the term build up, we can easily also refer as it to strengthen and establish, or just plain build up itself.


Mark 14:58  We heard him say, I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and within three days I will build another made without hands.


Jude 1:20   But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,


We know that without faith, we cannot please God. We read that in Hebrews 11:6. I believe if there is ever anything that constantly needs to be built up, it is our faith. I believe for many of us our faith can be tried and tested over and over, and we must constantly continue building up our faith.


 Jesus said He will build His church on who Peter said Jesus was in Matthew 16:18. Peter told Jesus that He, (Jesus) is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. We must build up our faith with that same concept. We can go back and reference Mark 14:58 knowing that our faith has a lot to do with building God’s Kingdom. God uses us to help others to know Jesus. Without us continually building our faith, we will not know how to share the gospel.


 There is always a building process going on. Think about many people who have hit rock bottom in life. Sometimes that is required for God to be able to build you into the person he needs you to be. We looked at the story of Saul (Paul) last week in Acts chapter 1. Look at how he was built up and used by God after God broke him. Paul himself had to build his faith.


Acts 20:32  And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.


 I love this verse in Acts. God’s word will build us up. I think this is where many of us lacks in our walk with Christ. I know a lot of people who continually will say that they struggle with their walk in Christ, I know in some areas in my life I do. I think we pull away from scripture to try and do things on our own and find ourselves plateaued in life and not being continually built up. Until we get to Heaven, we must always be building up ourselves in the knowledge and works of Christ. Continually reading and studying the scripture is the constant building up we need. There is no substitute.


  I think what is heavy on my heart as I prepare this study, is we need to truly immerse ourselves in the Word of God.   When Jesus told Peter he will build His church, that was pertaining to us. Jesus is the cornerstone, (foundation), We are the building blocks on top. Let’s read more of the scripters, let’s be part of God’s church. Let the word of God build us up to be used for God’s Glory. The time to build up is now.


Here are few other verses I came across if you want to do some more reading.



Luke 12:18  And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods.


Acts 15:16  After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up:

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[ posted by Cindy, 05/13/2024 07:31 PM ]

The previous weeks study was about time to break down. 
Mike and I both said sometimes you have to break down, or tear down, something to build it back up, or rebuild.
I like where you go with this on a spiritual sense Mike.
If we apply Matt 7:24, 26 and turn it as a parable about us.
" Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings, I will liken him unto a wise man, which build his house upon a rock." ...
" And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand." Then he tells us the house build on the rock survives the winds, waves and flood. The one built on sand is destroyed from the same affects.
So Jesus is our rock, right? When we build ourselves on Him, our rock, we are able to withstand all the troubles that life throws at us. If we don't have Jesus, who helps us with life's battles? Who sustains us? Shelters us? Protects us? Provides for us? The list goes on and on. The devil can more easily attack what we are building up spiritually if we don't have the proper protection and building materials etc. inside of us. The type of physical building we build is supposed to be sturdy and strong, meeting our needs, protection for us and our families etc. Our faith is the same way. We build a spiritual building in us to house our faith and the Holy Spirit.
God has already built us up by giving us the Holy Spirit. Mike already quoted Jude1:20 . Read that again.
To build up is to strengthen, establish and prosper. That is a positive thing. Isa 57:14 talks about removing the stumbling blocks in your way, clear the way to build up.
The Bible tells us many times that things were built, cities in Gen 4:17; building walls in Neh 6:15; building houses in Gen 33:17; building alters in Deut 27:7, building the tabernacle in Ec 40 building a temple in 1 Kings 6..... All of these were about starting up somewhere or something, or for God.
Building up a new city, building up a new tabernacle, building up a new wall....
When we look at our own lives, where do we need to build up? Not just physically but also spiritually. What can we tear down and remove the stumbling blocks to allow the new build up? Everything Jesus talked about was "building us up" for an eternity with Him. How to act, how to react, how to live how to forgive, how to be treat others....
We have to make sure our foundation in our worldy lives is as strong as our spiritual foundation in Christ if we are going to build up properly.
1 Cor 3:11 " for no other foundation can no man lay that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ." Jesus is the foundation of building up. Building up is in vain if Jesus is not our foundation of faith. Couldn't part of our 'building up' in Him be obeying Him? It strengthens our relationship with God the Father and Jesus. I think God rewards us with our build up according to how it is all done for His glory in the end.
We can stand firm in our faith, continue learning God's word, 
spreading the gospel, have assurance in our faith, pray continually for our faith and ways to increase our faith.
Let's build up others (and ourselves) with our faith, our works, brotherly love, unity...the strong foundation of building up on that rock. After all we have Lord's house within us, do we not? Isn't that what we are building up?
We can use God's love, mercy, favor and grace to help build up others also. Use our words and God's words to build people up, not tear them down. Eph 4:29.


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