<AP> Just as you think it could not get worse in Hallville, it has. Hallville civilians have formed a makeshift militia and has ceased military equipment. One spokesperson stated that they plan to make things right in the country. Their first objective was to cease the HSSR soldiers that were responsible for the execution of 10 Halland soldiers. Their hunt looks to have grabbed 3 of the 4 responsible. They claim that they will make sure justice is served, and help ease tensions between Hallville and Halland. The captives are being held in an unknown location heavily guarded. As of now there is no ruling faction in the country as congress is trying desperately to maintain order. There have been rioting throughout the cities and believe that a government coup is possible. There have been no reports of violence yet, but seems tensions are escalating between civilians and government officials. Reported by one witness, "We are tired of the military buildup that seems always to put us in jeopardy. We want nothing with it anymore." Picture shows the captives being ready to be transported to their unknown location.