Hallville AP>
Earlier today a memo was sent to a top Hallville military official, stating they were requesting that their country be allowed to enter the Hallsaw Pact. The name of the nation will be withheld as others have also been withheld. Both Hallville and HSSR who are current members and originators of the Hallsaw Pact would have to vote in any nation requesting to enter the pact. The boards will examine each nation to see if they fit the criteria to be voted in. HSSR, who was the start f the pact said it would only allow 4 nations to be part of the pact to eliminate any chance of a one world global government. There are still two open positions available, as the process to enter the Pact is long on the voting committee. To even be considered to be a part of the pact you would be oathed to submit a military combat unit under the direction of the Pact organizers to be used in any accordance the organizers deem, whether it be humanitarian missions or direct combat assault and police state actions. The goal of the Pact is to keep stability in the region, and feels the only way for this to happen is to keep a significant military ready to respond in short notice.