
Craters at weapons test

AP Press- Hallville
  Earlier today Hallville Reconnaissance aircraft flew over the site where the HSSR detonated a nuclear device. The site shows 2 large craters filled with water measuring about a quarter mile each. The questions is, were two devices detonated at the same time? Hallville is clearly concerned about the detonation and on how close they were to occupied cities. HSSR seem to be defiant within their own nation and is putting innocent lives in harms way. Little radiation was detected during the flyover as much of it probably was taken over the ocean with prevailing winds. Hallville is in the process reaching out to the HSSR government, but as of now, no information has been made available. 
   Though the tests draw major concerns, Hallville still to this point has the only known launch pad to launch nuclear capable missiles. Hallville has now put their facilities under full alert as tensions are drawing high between the 2 nations. Over phone conversations Halland has made their stance with Hallville clear, that these type tests will not be tolerated. Neither country has yet to give the HSSR any official warning, but in the coming weeks there will more than likely be a statement from the Hallville leaders to the HSSR.