
Halland, Hall Republic Troops Return to Halland After Hall Nation Meeting


Halland News – Over the weekend, leaders from Evelynland, Hallville, McDonaldland, Sammyville, and Halland met inside Evelynland for three days but the leaders discussed mainly nonmilitary matters. The day before the meetings ever took place, Evelynland officials reiterated that no Hallville troops were to step foot inside their country. Apparently Hallville may have obliged as Hallville troops were not spotted anywhere in Evelynland. "If there were Hallville troops located inside Evelynland, they clearly avoided any type of confrontation and did not want to be seen,” stated one Halland Military Official.

On the other hand, the Halland Military had a small presence in Evelynland as over 50 soldiers from the Special Operations Unit provided security for Halland Officials (pictured above). According to military officials, the Special Operations Unit was supported by Hall Republic’s Army Group B Division which would have provided artillery and tank support in the event some type of conflict were to erupt.

Military Officials have acknowledged that the Hall Republic military has become more flexible after splitting into two Army Groups and they have also had an increased role in accompanying Halland Military units traveling abroad. This may signal a change as it pertains to Hall Republic’s foreign policy. If there has been a change in foreign policy, Hall Republic’s force projection would likely extend beyond the borders of just Hall Republic and Halland. If anything, we’ve already begun to see evidence of that already occurring with the Hall Republic Military playing a more active role inside foreign countries.