
Halland Stepping Up Patrols Along Coastline

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Halland News – Last week, the HSSR State Press announced that a new war ship had been built that could potentially skirt the Halland coastline in the coming weeks. In response, the Halland Military has stepped up patrols (pictured above) off the Halland coast to ensure if the HSSR ship does set sail, it stays in international waters.

According to military officials, the Halland Military has an unspecified number of ships in its fleet and are mainly used to patrol the waterways. Some ships are smaller and are mounted with heavy machine guns, like the one seen above, while others pack heavy weaponry and are equipped with missiles.  The latter have been deemed classified and photographs of the much larger ships are not available.

The Halland military utilizes its fleet to defend the Halland coastline although plans are underway to modify some ships as troop transports. It’s highly unlikely Halland would ever use their fleet for offensive purposes but it can’t be ruled out. "I think the Halland Government could use their fleet in the event that a conflict were to erupt, but for now, the Halland Government is only interested in using the fleet for defensive purposes,” cited one military official.