
General Amongstus To Attend Nation Leadership Summit

Halland News – General Amongstus announced yesterday that he will be attending the Nation Leadership Summit in Hallville later this month.  Other Hall Nations will also be in attendance such as leaders from Evelynland, Sammyville, McDonaldland, and Hallville. A variety of topics will be discussed but the General does have one topic in mind.

"The ten soldiers that were executed at the hands of four HSSR military members need to be handed over to Halland for immediate trial. If they will not be handed over, then we will come and get them,” stated the General.

One military analyst concluded that the General is very serious about bringing justice to those responsible for the execution. "Clearly diplomacy has failed at the highest of levels and Hallville is to blame,” cited the analyst. "In fact, things have already broken down in Hallville where two of the executioners have supposedly escaped and this is news to the General considering he was not advised that they were taken in to custody in the first place.”

The Halland Military has not responded to requests by the media in what the General meant when he stated, "then we will come and get them.” A few retired Divisional Commanders believe that the General will be good on his word while others are skeptical on how he plans on handling the situation from a military standpoint. "Let’s just say the General is very thoughtful on the words he says before he says anything,” cited one retired commander.

Nevertheless, this is the toughest rhetoric yet coming out of Halland. Polls show that Halland citizens support how the General is handling the situation while another poll reveals our citizens animosity towards Hallville leadership.




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As the Nation Leadership Summit nears, all eyes will be on the General as he begins to voice his concerns to the Hall Nations. This could be the General’s last ditch diplomacy effort in order to bring those responsible for committing the execution of Halland soldiers. Or, the General may bypass the Summit and go get those responsible for the murder of ten Halland soldiers.